Committed to growth and prosperity for Wagoner County
Law enforcement professional
More than 20 years in Wagoner County law enforcement.
Firearms proficiency and instruction
Accredited firearms instructor, Advanced Peace Officer certification, Oklahoma Basic Instructor certification, FBI Leadership Trilogy graduate and award in three levels of leadership training, and less-lethal instruction
Innovative leader
Spearheaded Wagoner County Shop with a Cop, a program to help at-risk youth through the holidays. Also founded the Wagoner County Fraternal Order of Police.
Cattle rancher on both owned and leased property.
Common sense growth
Few counties match the potential of Wagoner County. Our close proximity to Tulsa, access to major highways, and beautiful topography make our community one of the most desirable locations for new residents and business. Property owners should have a say in how our community grows.
Transparency and Accountability
- Open lines of communication with residents
- Schedule meet and greet events
- Work as your advocate, not an obstacle

Prioritize tax revenue growth
- New business should fuel revenues
- Ease the burden on local taxpayers
- Maximize growth, minimize fees and taxes